Monday, October 29, 2012

The Randomess that is my Monday

Odd things have been happening all morning. Maybe its the lunar cycle, maybe it strange weather patterns caused by hurricane Sandy on the east coast, maybe its my imagination...I don't know but this morning was too weird not to write about.

1. My son decided to NOT take a morning nap and instead chose to roll around on my bed yelling, hollering, and chattering away to anyone/thing that would listen. Including, but not limited to: me, the T.V, the remote control, the dog, the pillow, the light fixture, and his pacifier. Now this doesn't sound too unusual being that Lil' E is 8 months old now but it is for him. He's normally a pretty quiet baby...except when he's hungry...or needs a diaper changed...or sleepy. Point is that he cries when he wants something and has, up until today (and some last night) not had any interest in the baby talk and jibber jabber. At lunch today he was talking away to the lady behind the counter. I don't know what he was saying but it seemed pretty important because he had a look of all seriousness on his little face.

2. The Asian people at our local Samurai Sam's are happy, friendly, loud, and weird. One look at Lil' E and most older people try to touch him and talk to him. Some have even asked to hold him. I don't know what happens when people age that makes them oogle over a strangers baby (or touch a pregnant woman's belly). Lil' E hasn't learned the term "stranger danger" yet so naturally today he was trying to touch the lady and man behind the counter and coo'd at them. The man informed me that Lil' E looks just like me and that it was good luck for the son to look like the mother. My best guess is its good luck because if the baby loks like mom and doesn't look like the father, paternity wont be disputed. Then there came the exchange with the lady as she brought me my delicious plate of Yaki Soba Noodles.
Lady (HEAVY Asian accent): ooohhhh he sit so good! How old?
Me: he's 8 months
Lady: Ohhhh he little like Asian baby!
Me: yes he's small for his age
Lady: Little is good, you no worry
Me: OK....
Then she walked away. As we were leaving she yells to us from behind the counter across the restaurant (mind you we are NOT the only ones in the dining area).
Lady: 'member I said small is good! Strong brain better then strong arm!
Me: uhhh...thanks? do you respond to that?

3. Adventures at craft warehouse. I think I've said this before but I LOVE craft warehouse. It's my happy place. Long story short, Grandma gave me some ceramic tile and I made some coasters out of them so I needed waterproofing sealant and cork or foam or felt dots for the bottom. Craft warehouse doesn't have these (GASP!). I ended up just buying a sheet of foam paper and I'll cut circles out myself. Problem solved. As I'm wondering the aisles searching high and low for said dots a little old lady (70's or 80's) stops me to play with Lil' E (here we go again!). Lil' E being the chatterbox he is today with no stranger danger fears just starts blabbering away at her and trying to grab her necklace (yes she was that close to my child!). I can't just tell this lady to GTF away from my baby without causing a commotion (and yelling at old people is rude) so I just patiently wait and watch for an opening to run away. Then she says to him "oh just look at you! aren't you an adorable little thing. yes you are! You must look just like your daddy!"
Gee, thanks lady! Because he's adorable he must take after his dad...not me. Slap. In. The. Face. She must have smelled me starting to go into defense mode because she high tailed it out of there.

4. Our neighbor across the street is raking her leaves in 30mph wind. Counterproductive.

5. My garage door wont open from the outside. I had to park, go inside, and push the button from the inside of the garage for it to open. Stupid P.O.S!

6. Lil' E is SUPPOSED to be napping right now. But no. He's his bear. It's not the bears fault he's stuck in the cage, cut the stuffed animal some slack!

So that was my morning. Yeah...gotta be the tides or the positioning of the stars or something.

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