Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pinterest Inspired Scarf

Hi all!
Here is a 30 min pinterest inspired project for you. It is super easy and I'm sure when Miss Priss sees my finished product she's going to want to make one also. If a 9 year old can do it, so can you!

3 or 4 dining room chairs (depending on how long you want your scarf).
Seriously....thats it.

I didn't take any pictures of the set-up or the process so you'll have to bare with me here while I try to explain this.
I placed 3 chairs side by side. I wrapped the yarn once around the backs of the chairs and tied the ends together. I then continued to wrap the yarn 9 more times. That makes a total of 10 times around the chairs. I tied off the end and slid the loops off the chair backs.
I did this 2 more times creating 3 loops of yarn total.
I then put Lil E in his Bumbo and put the ends of the loops under him to hold them steady (this step is optional).
I braided the 3 bundles of yarn together.
Tied the ends together tightly.

Yeah thats it.
heres the finished product:

I look so serious! haha

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Crafting

Hello Folks!
Long time I know. I've been busy with life and stuff...sue me.
Anyways, this week I decided to decorate my front porch. All my flowers died due to the weather and mostly becuase I didn't water them enough...or really at all. Plants and flowers come to my house to die, green thumb I do not have.
So looking out onto my front porch I find dead plants and dirt in pots and needless to say its not an attractive sight. So its time to spruce it up!
Have I mentioned I love Pinterest? Well I do, it's a wonderful invention for bored stay at home mommies.

Front Door:

Moss and foam pumpkins.
So Cute!

Other Wreaths I made:

I decided I didn"t like the chrome look of these so I spray painted it black and added some glitter. Miss Priss says it looks like dragon scales.

Decoupaged with Cloth I had
Laying around the house
For the rest of the porch I bought some foam pumpkins, gourds, and leaves from the dollar store
Found at the Dollar store
How cute are these srsly!?